Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm very sleepy and sleeping at 1am again but just feel like blogging and recording these thoughts before going to bed. Today was one of those slightly pek chek days in which I spent a good half of the day doing secretarial stuff and fretting over what those big bosses REALLY want/mean. And because diff ppl have diff interpretations of just one ambiguous note the VIP wrote, I wasted quite a bit of time doing unnecessary things. Shall always remind myself in future to CLARIFY and make sure this is what XXX wants before embarking on doing it. Though felt a bit like pulling hair out, was on the other hand very grateful to the good ppl in my unit, who were really supportive in helping me with my secretarial duties... It really makes a difference to have ppl 'fighting fires' with you ;) Think we have become seriously good at dealing with all sorts of insignificant-impact-yet-time-consuming work emergencies...

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