Saturday, November 03, 2007

Colleague's recent interest in learning the piano has rekindled my enthusiasm for an instrument I was sorta made to learn, but never really mastered. So even though I have all the certs to show, skills are a far cry from what they ought to be! :) So today, on a nice stay-in Saturday afternoon, I decided to sit down to play... starting with The Secret piano score, which has lovely pieces. Think will take me at least a few months to play these songs well enough, but not a problem, since I have no target to meet; no exam to take. Looking back at all the piano lessons I've taken in the past, I also concluded that all I did in the past was more of "mechanistically" playing pieces to take exams. I've never really quite appreciated piano playing as an art itself... And though with long fingers that can reach more than an octave and thus some advantage in mastering the more challenging pieces; I've never been disciplined nor driven enough to practise very hard haha. But from now on, I shall aim to play for leisure from time to time... Though my technique is not quite there anymore, feel like I'm "feeling" the piano a little more so than I used to. Good thing that piano playing is a little like driving/cycling-- it's not really something you'll forget... just have to try picking it up again. else the money my parents invested in me to make me more 'cultured' would have totally gone down the drain :P

Also took a nice afternoon nap after roughing it out for 2 hrs or so at the piano. Sleeping is bliss :)

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