Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Had an extremely early (5pm!) reunion dinner at a Teochew restaurant this year. Think ppl are increasingly busy (or lazy) and so dine-out reunion dinners are getting very common. The restaurant I dined at had 3 sessions -- 5pm, 7pm and 9pm... So it was somewhat difficult to like stick around after dinner 'cos restaurant was waiting to 'recycle' our seats :P Nonetheless, it was actually nice to get home early to laze around/tidy up a bit...

Was sorting out letters and re-discovered this letter from DBS... with the Live Fresh credit card enclosed, only pending activation. Wanted to toss it away but decided no harm finding out what's so special abt this credit card... Ok, most of the discounts/offers didn't catch my eye... BUT they had an interesting section with discounts on courses. "15% off aerial photography/ jewellery-making courses", one of the 'perks' read. Upon further investigation, I was directed to the Emily Hill website and the art workshops offered.... and hey, they seem pretty cool. The aerial photography course seems fun and out of the world and I would totally try it if not for the fact that it costs like $400 for 3 sessions. Sigh, out of budget. But I might really go for one of the printmaking/jewellery-making stuff :) Hai, I might activate this credit card after all.....

A Happy Chinese New Year to all!

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