Thursday, September 10, 2009

Still gymless...

The gymless me decided to try out Fitness First at Capital Tower yesterday evening... And i spent close to an hour fighting imaginary enemies in a Bodycombat (something like kickboxing) class yesterday evening, tog with like a ton of other adrenaline-charged sweaty companions... Though class was not bad and quite a good workout, somehow the crammed studio and high density of fellow exercising humans put me off quite a bit... So after session I decided to sneak off before the sales executives come bugging me to sign up for a package. Alas! The careless me left her driving licence behind (had to exchange id for locker key) and had to go back today to pick it up... Luckily I only had to listen to sales pitch for less than 10 minutes. I suppose I appeared clearly disgusted with the unreasonably high 'membership entrance fee' and 'admin charges'. Why would anyone in the right mind pay $500 to become a member at the gym. Though it's currently slashed to $9, such a ridiculous marketing gimmick failed to work on me...

So I'm still gym-less... The "informal" bike club i joined havent open shop leh... heh :P

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