Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I had to buy 3 different farewell cards today... It was slightly problematic 'cos nice 'custom-made' farewell cards are pretty hard to find... compared to say birthday cards... I was debating whether to get this slightly quirky one which read:


[You have to imagine a drawing of an orange chicken standing beside a sausage that looks like a plaster]

May the Chicken of Happiness
and the Sausage of Prosperity
FOLLOW you wherever you go

Wasn't sure how the recipient of this card wld react so I lingered around in the store for some time wondering whether to get this or not. In the end I got it - it's for a guy anyways so he prob wun get too offended or upset even if he thinks it's weird lah.

On a random note, many ppl in office seem to be raving about Kungfu Panda 2... maybe I shld really go catch both KFP1 & 2.. ;)

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