Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Got home last night! After a week of early mornings I cldn't sleep past 730am this morning so decided to wake up and be a good wifey haha. Strolled to our neighbourhood NTUC to get some groceries and prepared brekkie for D... I miss and really appreciate the convenience back home. Back at the farm I think I'd need to like stroll a good 20 min to get to anywhere heh.

Surprisingly I found mozarella cheese at my NTUC - and so I decided to make grilled tomatoes wholemeal toast with mozarella cheese and fresh basil from our garden! Paired with fresh mango and dragonfruit topped with yogurt and muesli... Heh felt somewhat proud of my relatively inspiring breakfast :P I think my farming stint (and staying with ppl who cook a lot) has kinda inspired me to be less lazy and to try cooking a bit more (with fresh ingredients).

Hope this is not just 三分钟热度 and I will continue believing in this philosophy haha (though I suspect my enthusiasm will gradually wear off a little).

 Toast, fruit salad and a cup of Nespresso coffee

1 comment:

lazy weekend said...