Thursday, November 08, 2007

After a long restful sleep last night, I spent my Deepavali morning doing some room purging-- giving it a mini spring-clean after months of neglect. Despite a conscious attempt to regularly throw out things/junk mail that I dun want, rubbish sometimes still end up unscathed when neglected and left in obscure corners; when they just disappear under stacks of papers etc etc. Only during a spring clean do you realise how much crap you've accummulated :P Should get rid of bad habit of buying on impulse (eg. buy books and bai2 mei3 on shelf; buy clothes on impulse only to leave in wardrobe; buy mags, flip a bit then chuck one side and forget about their existence...) and ask myself more carefully whether I want something/ predict where item would end up before making purchases... And always feel bad throwing paper into the bin...but am really too lazy to hunt down the collective recycling bins somewhere in my estate. Miss those days in Berkeley when I could just carry all the paper trash to landlord's backyard.

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