Monday, November 05, 2007

At times I'm a really bad worker with bad memory. I am frequently unable to regurgitate what someone told me over the phone in its entirety. And this unintentional memory loss can be fatal... or simply embarrassing when you have to call the someone back to ascertain that this/that was what he/she really meant. Why and how boss manages to think of every possible scenario to pre-empt/clarify I am unable to explain. Maybe i'm just not a very details kinda person in this respect. I can be anal and meticulous when it comes to writing, editing etc... but ask me to take notes or remb things word for word and I falter.

On a brighter note, I visited Mt Alvernia hospital for the 2nd time in a week to visit a 2nd colleague and her new-born baby. I dun remb when the last time I saw a 2-day-old baby was, but the baby I saw today was very very cute. And delicate and small! But on the car ride back to office when female colleagues went on and on about pregnancy, post-natal depression and confinement, it all seemed very scary. Esp tales about confinement and not being to bathe for a month. Sorry to say this, but I was extremely grossed out.

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