Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I want to complain! haha cannot tell that I this kind look so meek and agreeable but actually so fond of complaining right... aiyah must air grievances even at risk of sounding like a useless bum, else too pent-up one day will end up spontaneous combustion/explosion :P Dunno leh, maybe after working I've become more easily 'agitated'... But complain complain in the end I still must do and still WILL do.

And I am exceptionally unambitious for a scholar. At this point in time I have no desire whatsoever to scale the corporate ladder... I am not superman like boss; nor superwoman like big boss. I am just unsuper chapalang woman given glam title of 'Secretariat Team'. Have also grown to fear the word 'update' in emails.... 'cos it usually means "go dig files"... dig deep deep. On some days, all I wish for is a leisurely weekday where I get to sit down to read a good book/watch a good movie.

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