Sunday, January 06, 2008

Maybe I'm just strange, but I really miss putting together like a well-argued paper.... Ok, not like I am very good at it, but I just miss the whole process of thinking everything through... Tying all you want to say together nicely... NB: all YOU want to say... and not what XXX or YYY wants to say. I think writing 'work papers' is hard cos you always have to be pseudo- psychologist and imagine/figure out what XXX or YYY would want to say. No doubt you are given instructions on what roughly to put into a paper to Ministry etc... But still... it's just so different.

And I realise that I actually enjoy editing essays... Though it's like time-consuming... Because somehow I feel like my brain is actually working. At times I can get so thrilled over being able to say, find one brilliant word to use, stupid things like that you know? But aiyah, at the back of my mind I know that I am not suited to editing things as boss or team leader... I will take super long, cos I am a slow thinker and I can have perfectionist instincts over the most trivial of things. :P

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