Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poor Boss

I suppose it's never easy to head a unit of ladies. 'Cos boss set precedent last year by giving everyone a stalk of rose for V-day, some of us were (jokingly) expecting similar treatment this year. That did not happen of course... so early in morning borrowed bouquets of flowers were placed in boss's workstation as hints to him. When he discovered that the lovely flowers were not meant for him; i bet he was secretly thinking... these subordinates damn difficult to please... But we sorta half made up for it by buying him a cake later in afternoon... which apparently made him v touched... but while cutting cake (and so he kept saying he v touched and wanted to share his heart) some ppl still couldn't get over fact this yr no flowers and like kept telling him places to get flowers from... I... erm... have no comments. haha. Our new DD was sympathetic of boss's plight and sent him an email with an animated bouquet of flowers, with the msg "hope this helps".

Later after proper office hours, Boss came over to convey some amendments he wanted me to make to a paper... (smthg like just adding one 's' to something). Then he walked away, self-proclaiming he very 'particular' hor... Then like he asked what's a better word to describe that... Then while he walked down the walkway, I suddenly shouted "anal"... Eh, then boss like got quite violent reaction... saying that it was 'uncouth'... Miss yy was like laughing v loud in her workstation... Hai, I very 'geh kiang' and dunno how to zuo4 ren2 right, but came home and verified with dictionary -- Anal merely means "showing too much concern with small details, especially in a way that annoys other people"... Where got uncouth :P


Anonymous said...

I think it's derived from 'anal retentive' (constipated). :D

Mints. said...


Anonymous said...

wahahaha.... ;p